The Colors of Impermanence
A retrospective
For 10 years, I've been travelling through Europe with a dear friend to photograph abandoned buildings. At first, it was about taking photographs and of course the thrill of entering the unknown. The road trips were a welcome distraction from an otherwise dark period in my life, and probably that is why I was drawn to the morbidity of decay in the first place. After a while, though, as my life changed, my view also changed. I started studying Buddhism, meditating, and going to retreats regularly, and found that this wise guy Sid (Siddhartha Gautama) had actually said, that everything is impermanent. I found beauty in this train of thought, and I found beauty in the immense decay that could be found in these lost places.
I also found that I had repeating motifs that I enjoyed taking photos of. No longer a random walk through these buildings, I started searching for these motifs and creating various series, which all came together under the common name "the Colors of Impermanence"
On this page, I will show you these series, and give an insight into how they came into existence